NEWS Archive

Journal Trillium EV 2023 published!

New Paper: EV - Garbage bin of the heart?!

New Paper out!
Congratulations, Karen! 

Karen Linnemannstöns et al. JEV 2022, "  Microscopic and biochemical monitoring of endosomal trafficking and extracellular vesicle secretion in an endogenous in vivo model" 

With EV seeing is believing: new Review out in Nature Methods

01.07.21 New Protocol Paper out:
 Visualization and Quantitation of Wg trafficking in the Drosophila Wing Imaginal Epithelium

Congratulations, Dr. Witte!
First PhD defense of the Exo Lab finished with summa.


Great collaboration published with Holger Bastians and colleagues.

Congratulations Pradhipa! Karuna et al. 2020 Phosphorylation of Ykt6 SNARE Domain Regulates Its Membrane Recruitment and Activity.

While my lab still is in Göttingen for now, I started a new position - professor of Biochemistry at the HMU Potsdam

Wie Zellen kommunizieren? Übersichtsartikel von Leonie in Biospektrum!

Have a look at the most recent Trillium Extracellular Vesicles - interesting review from Sabnam!

Here is another one
: Well done, Leonie!
Leonie Witte et al. Development 2020, "Kinesin motor Klp98A mediates apical to basal Wg transport"

New Paper out!
Congratulations, Karen! 

Karen Linnemannstöns et al. Development 2020, " Ykt6-dependent endosomal recycling is required for Wnt secretion in the Drosophila wing epithelium" 


The Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung about our seminar:"Zwischen ewigem Leben und Krebstod"

Join us for the Seminar Überlebensstrategien in Heidelberg:
"Signalwege der Zelle: Jungbrunnen und Krebsentstehung" with Thomas Holstein, Michael Boutros & Julia Gross


From 15-16th of November the GSEV was holding its 1st Autumn Meeting at the Philipps-University Marburg.

 Following the invitation of Elke Pogge von Strandmann and the organizing committee,  100 participants spend 2 days discussing their newest EV research in the area of  EV in cancer and immunology, in development and in therapy. 

Next year's GSEV autumn meeting will be held by Michael Pfaffl and colleagues from the Austrian society of EV in Munich from 28-29th of November 2019, we look forward to seeing you there.



We are organizing an EV meeting in Marburg November 15/16th 2018 - Join us!


The lab will join the first Meeting of the German Society of Extracellular Vesicles in Frankfurt!


New review out:  Gross and Zelarayan "The Mingle-Mangle of Wnt Signaling and Extracellular Vesicles: Functional Implications for Heart Research"